The following were arrests made by Miami County Law Enforcement. Individuals named in this report are presumed innocent until proven guilty in a court of law.
Friday, February 7, 2020
David Hefner, 32, 216 W. North St., Royal Center, IN., was arrested by the Miami County Sheriff’s Department on a Miami County Warrant for Invasion of Privacy.
Michael Sadler, 33, 645 Warren Ave., Wabash, IN., was taken into custody by the Miami County Sheriff’s Department to house for Wabash County.
Treyver Lehman, 18, 393 E. Hill St., Wabash IN., was taken into custody by the Miami County Sheriff’s Department to house for Wabash County.
Brandon Miller, 33, 344 E. Hill St., Wabash, IN., was taken into custody by the Miami County Sheriff’s Department to house for Wabash County.
Tom Mills, 42, 106 Front St., North Manchester, IN., was taken into custody by the Miami County Sheriff’s Department to house for Wabash County.
Braden Hall, 25, 1327 Hilltop Ct., Wabash, IN., was taken into custody by the Miami County Sheriff’s Department to house for Wabash County.
Aaron Combs, 33, 11 S. Main St., Lafontaine, IN., was taken into custody by the Miami County Sheriff’s Department to house for Wabash County.
Jacob Murphy, 25, 6263 N. 550 N., Wabash, IN., was taken into custody by the Miami County Sheriff’s Department to house for Wabash County.
Shayne Ridenour, 41, 1703 S. Lafontaine St., Kokomo, IN., was taken into custody by the Miami County Sheriff’s Department to house for Wabash County.
Corey Sullivan, 33, 10160 E. 500 S., Upland, IN., was taken into custody by the Miami County Sheriff’s Department to house for Wabash County.
Richard Key, 21, 8952 N. 100 W., Roann, was taken into custody by the Miami County Sheriff’s Department to house for Wabash County.
Scott Miller, 27, 820 E. Hill St., Wabash, IN., was taken into custody by the Miami County Sheriff’s Department to house for Wabash County.
Micah Books, 27, 204 W. Broadway St., Bunker Hill, was arrested by the Miami County Sheriff’s Department on a Miami County Warrant for Violation of Community Corrections.
Alvastia McKeller, 21, 2445 E. Michigan St., Indianapolis, IN., was arrested by Indiana State Police on a charge of Possession of a stolen firearm.
Saturday, February 8, 2020
Rodnie Stone, 36, 3408 S. 1000 E., Akron, was arrested by the Miami County Sheriff’s Department on a charge of Domestic Battery.
LeAnn Ray, 32, 1134 E. State Road 124, Peru was arrested by the Miami County Sheriff’s Department on a charge of Domestic Battery.
Amber Cart, 35, 48 Cory Ave., Peru was arrested by the Peru Police Department on a Miami County Warrant for Violation of Probation (Possession of Meth).
Sunday, February 9, 2020
Ashley Patterson, 26, 2518 Kelly Ave., Peru, was arrested by the Miami County Sheriff’s Department on a Miami County Warrant and a new charge of Invasion of Privacy.
Matthew Jones, 29, 2539 S. Willow Creek Dr., Peru, was arrested by the Peru Police Department on a charge of Operating While Intoxicated.
Blake Van Dalsen, 32, 5832 E. 1500 N., Roann was arrested by the Miami County Sheriff’s Department on a Miami County Warrant for Violation of Probation.